Duijn was raised in The Netherlands, painting since she could hold a brush and fascinated by human connection, contrasts and relations. Her lines are round, her works harmonic. She is a fulltime artist since 2020, located in the Southbay, California.


She is a -self declared- loving, living being that creates beauty and harmony through art. Her art brings connection, love and introspection.  

Through her works, she is sending out a message about unity, tolerance and inclusivity. In a time where so many of us are trained to be disconnected, Duijn would like to go back and contribute to repairing this. Women should unite, support and stand together, because we are one. We should honor our uniqueness, and be brave enough to show it and share it. 

By bringing softness, playfulness, exhibitionism and serenity through her works, she hopes you will find a way back to freedom, playfullness and the beautiful being you truly are. 

Her expressionistic and modern paintings visualize the connection humanity is losing with itself. Connection in love, soul and spirit that will lead you closer to who you need to be. 

  • The art of Giving. November 2021 - Resin Gallery, Hermosa.
    Emotions. January 2022 - February 2022, Gallerium, international

  • Sold 12 pieces in 2021

  • I took 6 commissions over 2021