‘The first memories of Dutch-raised artist Ilse Duijn are filled with pencils and paper, drawings and paintings. Her expressionistic and modern paintings visualize stories in contrasting flowing lines and reflect the way the lives of loved ones are connected. ‘

  • Resin Gallery. Show: The Art of Giving. Date: November 2021

    Emotions 2022. Gallerium. Jan 15 - feb 15 2022

  • Sold 13 works in the bookyear of 2021

  • Took 5 commissions over 2021



  • Ilse has been exhibiting her art in in the artshow ‘ The art of giving’. Organised by The Resin Gallery in november 2021. Ilse’s work is still exhibited in the Resin gallery during 2022.

  • Upcoming exhibition will be Emotions, organized by the Gallerium gallery. Ilse’s work in on vier from januari 2022 - february 2022